Hydroponic Agriculture
ECO Consult launched the HAED Jo (Hydroponic Agriculture and Employment Development Jordan) project, so that practitioners can meet, exchange experiences, witness technological developments and conclude experiments. Bosman Van Zaal realised KIC's greenhouse research facility.
Reflection, dialogue, brainstorming, and creativity are all interwoven to fulfil the expectations of the horticultural community at the Knowledge and Innovation Centre (KIC) in South Amman, Jordan. With our partners Eco Consult and Delphy, we are constantly debating the best way to serve knowledge seekers, researchers, and industry suppliers.

Turnkey F-CLEAN Greenhouse
During the engineering process for ECO Consult, our engineers designed a centre with a six-compartment demonstration and food research facility. The KIC will have two glass and four foil-covered greenhouse secetions with different climate installations for cultivation, demonstrations, and research.
One foil-covered greenhouse will be equipped with special F-CLEANTM foil, instead of standard foil. On site, we work together with AGRIKOL for construction, and use local staff.